Welcome To 4Q Pro Financial
Welcome to 4Q Pro Financial Management & Consulting, a Financial Consulting firm specializing in serving small to medium sized businesses and non-profit organizations for more than a decade combined.
Our years of incorporating virtual services has prepared us for the “new normal.” We are experts in providing virtual learning and services, while maintaining the “in-person” feel that assures we are always right by your side.
Our Culture
4Q is a sports reference and is representative of the 4th quarter of play. Oftentimes, coaches preach theat games are won in the 4th quarter. The 4th quarter is time to grind it out and put it all on the line.
The 4th quarter allows onlookers to see what you’re really made of. The chess piece integrated into the logo is indicative of the strategies that must be used when planning your financial future. Each move has consequences and should be well thought out.
During the 4th quarter, coaches are under a microscope and their coaching philosophies and strategies are brought to the forefront. In finance, having a sound strategy coupled with endurance and perseverance could prove critical to the vitality of one’s finances.